How to make Hospital Management System project using Java

Date Of Publish 23/06/2024




A Hospital Management System (HMS) using Java is a robust software solution designed to streamline hospital operations and improve patient care. Developed with Java’s powerful capabilities, this HMS offers features like patient registration, appointment scheduling,  and medical records management. The system ensures efficient workflow, enhances data security, and provides real-time access to critical information. With an intuitive user interface and scalable architecture, Java-based Hospital Management Systems are ideal for hospitals of all sizes, optimizing administrative processes and elevating healthcare services.


  • Add Patients Details in Database.
  • Able to View Patients Details.
  • Able to View Doctors Details.
  • Book Appointment
  • Check Appointment


1. Basic Java Programming
  • Proficiency in Java SE (Standard Edition)
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts
  • Familiarity with Java libraries and frameworks
2. Database Management
  • Understanding of relational databases
  • Proficiency in SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • Experience with database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle
3. Web Development Basics
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with web servers (e.g., Apache Tomcat)
4. Java Frameworks
  • Experience with Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
  • Familiarity with Spring Framework and Hibernate for backend development
5. Development Tools
  • Proficiency in using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
  • Understanding of version control systems like Git

Resources Required


Facing Difficultly to understand.

Watch this video to get more clear understanding to setup this project.