Introducing rjksharma Projects Hub

Providing free projects to students helps them gain practical experience, develop technical skills, and enhance their portfolios. These projects serve as valuable learning resources, enabling students to understand real-world applications and better prepare for their future careers.



  • Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with the project.
  • Plan: Create a roadmap detailing tasks, timelines, and resources needed.
  • Assemble Team: Identify and gather the right people with necessary skills.
  • Allocate Resources: Ensure sufficient budget, tools, and support are available.
  • Execute: Begin working on tasks according to the plan.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • Communicate: Maintain open communication within the team and stakeholders.
  • Evaluate: Assess outcomes against initial objectives to measure success.
  1. Mobile App Development:

    • Create a productivity app for task management.
    • Develop a fitness tracking app with custom workout plans.
    • Design a language learning app with interactive lessons.
  2. Web Development:

    • Build an e-commerce website for niche products.
    • Develop a social networking platform for professionals.
    • Create a blogging platform with advanced content management features.
  3. Data Science and Analytics:

    • Analyze customer data to improve marketing strategies.
    • Develop a predictive model for stock market trends.
    • Create a recommendation system for personalized content.
  4. Robotics and IoT:

    • Build a home automation system using IoT devices.
    • Develop a robot for educational purposes or home assistance.
    • Create a smart agriculture system for monitoring crops and soil conditions.
  5. Artificial Intelligence:

    • Develop a chatbot for customer support or information retrieval.
    • Create a facial recognition system for security applications.
    • Build a recommendation engine for personalized movie or book suggestions.
  6. Environmental Projects:

    • Design a renewable energy monitoring system.
    • Develop an app for tracking and reducing carbon footprint.
    • Create a waste management solution using IoT and data analytics.
  7. Educational Projects:

    • Develop an online learning platform with interactive courses.
    • Create a virtual reality (VR) educational experience for history or science.
    • Build a gamified language learning app for children.
  8. Community and Social Impact:

    • Develop a platform for volunteering opportunities and coordination.
    • Create a mobile app for community event management and promotion.
    • Build a website for local businesses to promote sustainability practices.


First click on any title based on your choice click on that new page will open and scroll drown to bottom after few second Download button will appear then you can download.

After Download source code zip file download in your folder just extract the file and run the index file to browser. 

Our Projects